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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Barrack Obama - The right choice for President?

Lately, Many people have asked me on this matter repeatedly, Is Barrack Obama the right choice for president? I have no doubt that he is the better candidate and that he will bring much good to America and The World. But the question is WHY? 3 reasons why i think that he is the right choice is 1)America needs a sensible leadership, compassionate leadership, honest leadership and strong leadership. 2)Barrack Obama has welcomed a cease-fire on the Gaza Strip. 3) Barrack Obama will no doubt help on the economy crisis.

America needs a sensible, compassionate, honest and strong leadership to help America.Barack Obama has shown that he has all of those qualities.But "as tough as the times are, the selection of a new president is easy," it said suggesting "Obama has met challenge after challenge, growing as a leader and putting real flesh on his early promises of hope and change.
"He has shown a cool head and sound judgment." New York Times said it believed Obama "has the will and the ability to forge the broad political consensus that is essential to finding solutions to this nation's problems."

Barrack Obama has welcomed a cease fire on the Gaza Strip. “We welcome this news,” said Brooke Anderson, the spokesman for the transition team. “President-elect Obama is committed to working to help achieve lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians." This shows that he can put plans into action instantly.

Barrack Obama will help the Economy Crisis.

The Future (http://personal-finance.thefuntimesguide.com/2008/09/obama_economy.php)

Senator Barack Obama plans to jumpstart the economy by enacting an Emergency Energy Rebate to American Families. This long term plan is to provide middle class families with $1000 a year or more for energy relief.

He plans to prevent 1 million Americans from losing their jobs by preventing cutbacks in key areas like road, bridge maintenance, education, health, and more.

He plans to eliminate taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 a year, and simplify tax filings for middle class Americans saving time and tax filing fees for both groups.

He plans to fight for fair trade. This means pressuring the WTO to stop subsidizing countries that do not follow agreements, amend the free trade agreement so that American Workers also benefit, and provide assistance for American workers who have been displaced or who are in danger of being displaced. This also includes eliminating tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas and rewarding companies that support American Workers.

He plans to create 5 million green jobs by investing in the manufacture of clean energy and technology.

He plans to create new jobs by building bridges, roads, ports, air and train systems, and improve the overall infrastructure of the United States.

He plans to create new jobs through investing in innovation such as sciences, and next generation broad band.

He plans to support small businesses through tax relief and start up companies. As well as create more business incubators.

He plans to support the creation of labor unions and will fight for the Employee Free Choice Act.

He plans to protect home ownership and eliminate mortgage fraud while closing the bankruptcy loophole for mortgage companies.

He plans to address predatory credit card practices by creating a credit card rating system and establishing a Credit Card Bill of Rights to Protect Consumers.

He plans to reform bankruptcy laws in order to protect working people. This will ban executive bonuses for bankrupt companies, protect families in medical crisis, and also cap payday loans and improve disclosure.

He will finance measures that support a work/family balance. This includes expanding the Family Medical Leave Act, encouraging states to adopt paid leave, expanding after school opportunities, expanding child and dependent care tax, protect caregiver discrimination in the workplace, and expand flexible work arrangements.

These 3 reasons is more than enough to show that he IS the right choice for president.

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